Are you in need of a Thanksgiving meal?

Our "Bag of Blessings" is an annual event to provide families and individuals in our local community with a Thanksgiving Dinner with essential food items and a gift card to purchase a turkey.

Registration is OPEN NOW until November 17. Once you are registered, our team will send you more information.

Would you like to donate?

Groceries needed:
$25 Grocery gift card for meat purchase, 2 gravy packets, 2 cans of green beans, 1 box of stuffing mix, 1 can of cranberry sauce, 1 box of potato flakes, 1 large can of sweet potatoes, 1 large can of mixed fruit, 1 large box of mac and cheese or 2 small boxes, 1 bag dinner rolls.You can also sponsor a bag by donating financially $65 per bag.

If you would like to assist with this need, please be sure to bring the selected items to the Church office. or your special offering (mark your giving “Bag of Blessings”) All food and financial donations need to be submitted NO LATER than Sunday November 17, 2024.
Thank you for your generosity, and even if you’re unable to give, please just breathe a word of prayer on that day that we will share the love of Christ not only in “food form”, but also by our very lives!