Neighborhoods & Nations

We TRANSFORM the world by serving like Jesus to the lost and hurting, both locally and globally.

Become the hands and feet of Jesus as we take the gospel to a lost and hurting world.
Learn more about our global and local missionaries.
Mark 16:15 NLT
And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.”

Missions Week 2025 | February 26 - March 2

Advancing the Kingdom Globally!
  • Meet our global and local missionaries face to face
  • Hear their stories and passion from all over the world
  • An opportunity to sow into worldwide missions
  • A night of a Next Gen led worship experience
  • Celebrate with the Parade of Nations
  • Special Guest Speakers & much more

We know giving changes lives –
ours and the people we’re reaching.

Deuteronomy 15:10 NLT
Give generously to the poor, not grudgingly, for the Lord your God will bless you in everything you do.

Cooper City Church, Missions, and You

2023 Missions Project Accomplishments

Because of your giving, we were able to support our missionaries with monthly support and special projects throughout the year. Total 2023 support/projects paid: $$220,363


$13,150 monthly support; $500 Guatemala school supplies, $500 Cuba missions trip


$13,085 monthly support; $3,000 missionary sabbatical; $12,000 Pilgrim Progress (Ukraine) rebuilding; $100 Cuba missions trip


$13,063 monthly support


$13,528 monthly support; $2,000 Honduras well repair; $2,000 Scotland kids ministry


$12,900 monthly support; $5,000 military kids camp; $1,000 missionary travel, $500 child leukemia treatment


$12,855 monthly support


$13,802 monthly support; $8,000 new missionary support; $10,000 Turkey earthquake relief


$13,606 monthly support; $3000 VBS travel support; $500 back to school supplies; $900 Fearless tickets for missionaries; $200 recovery center; $3733.96 for local high school FCA event


$13,689 monthly support; $700 event table sponsor; $544 shoebox supplies


$13,500 monthly support; $1,000 ministry support; $500 missionary travel; $60 Fearless missionary gifts; $65 shoebox supplies


$14,037 monthly support: $1000 event table sponsor; $50 recovery center; $1410 Operation Christmas Child


$13,729 monthly support; $206 ministry support

Pray for our missionaries around the world

Pray for our global missionaries and the local ministries that we are partnered with in South Florida. Join us for prayer gatherings throughout the year as we lift up the needs for our missionaries and their families.

Matthew 9:37-38 NLT
He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”


Stay up to date with our weekly e-news and missions throughout the year.