This page is to officially submit your promotion and design requests to the Communications Team.   
  • All requests must be submitted 3 weeks in advance (at the latest ) before promotion begins.   
  • Your request does not guarantee approval.  
  • Approved items, with details, will be emailed to the requestor and ministry leader.
*If your request requires the use of the church building, you will need to make a reservation request with the Facilities Team*

Promotion Guidelines

  • Promotion requests do not guarantee automatic approval.  You will receive an email from the Communications Team when your request is approved with details.
  • Flyers, posters, signage, and printed materials of any kind can not be placed around the church, counters, walls, or bathrooms, without approval from the Communications Team.  If these materials are placed publicly before approval, they will be taken down immediately.
  • When requesting any type of design or graphic please keep in mind, creating takes time.  We want to represent our church and your ministry/event with a spirit of excellence (not perfection).  Please submit design requests with ample time.  
  • If your ministry is using an outside company (not on the pre-approved list) to design/create printed or digital materials representing our church in any form, it must be sent to the Communications Team for final look and approval.  
  • If you are requesting a table in Connection Central a form with detailed guidelines and a formal request will be emailed to you.  
  • If a request is sent and needed in the same week, it will automatically be denied.  Requests should be submitted as soon as possible - at least 3 weeks before the promotion begins or design is needed.
  • Guidelines are subject to change at any time.  An email with updates will be sent.