Prov 29:18 Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law. (NIV)
The Body has many different parts with many different needs. When I think of the immense task of ministering to all people in all stages of life, all types of professions, all levels of spiritual maturity --- each person with his own unique, personal history and culture --- I am overwhelmed. Instead of allowing flexibility, we tend to think everyone ought to be like us. We try to fit everyone into our experience. God doesn’t work that way. People need diversity within the Body to find what is best for them, not necessarily what we’re sure they need. I believe the vision God has given me is “big” enough to meet everyone’s need. Not every person will like everything we do, but hopefully we will do enough things they do like that will keep them connected to this ministry.

I have broken my personal vision down into seven areas. I will briefly elaborate on each area and my vision for that area of ministry with simple statements and projections.


My desire is for every believer to grow spiritually through worship, fellowship, involvement and the Word. I will preach an uncompromised message and promote spiritual depth in all areas of a person’s life. I desire to develop church members who are not so easily offended and thin-skinned. God’s people must be capable of enduring reproof, rebuke, correction and instruction without falling out with each other. We must be accountable to one another.
Eph 4:12-13 to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all each unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. (NIV)

50 New Converts Annually
Our commission is to reach the unsaved. Evangelism is the reproductive organ of the church. Reaching others must be the primary function of all our efforts and ministries. My vision is not just for “decisions,” but for “disciples.”
Matt 28:19-20 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. (NIV)

Every Member Filled With the Holy Ghost
We are a Pentecostal church. We should encourage every member --- young, old, male, female, black or white --- to receive the Baptism in the Holy Ghost. Indeed, spirit baptism equips us for more effective service and we must emphasize this Pentecostal experience for all believers.
Acts 2:1-4 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. (NIV)

Every Attendee a Member
Church membership demonstrates that an individual believer is committed to the local church. Membership is essential for discipline purposes, accountability and for confirmation of spiritual gifts. Although church membership doesn’t make one more spiritual it does make one more available for service. Membership is a public commitment to all members of the local body and seals the vow of unity. My goal is to receive 100 new members into the church fellowship annually.

Every Member a Tither
The most spiritual subject discussed in the Bible is money. Six of every ten verses in the Bible mention money or something which refers to money. Stewardship is a very spiritual matter. I will frequently promote personal stewardship in the area of tithing through testimonies, series of messages and personal example. Tithing is a biblical mandate, not an option and those who refuse to do so sin against God and deny the faith.
Matt 6:21 & 24 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money. (NIV)
1 Tim 6:10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. (NIV)

Prayer Ministry
“God can do nothing but in answer to prayer.” Prayer is the most vital ministry of the church. I have a vision of
100 intercessors who meet weekly for prayer at the church. Prayer is the vehicle that moves God and the
church. We must teach people how to pray and then involve ourselves in both private and corporate prayer.
Nothing significant will be accomplished without this powerful force.

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Every Member a Minister
My vision is for every member of the church to occupy a ministry, not just fill a position. I believe a person should be involved in a ministry prior to taking membership. A healthy church will grow at a minimum of 8% annually. The churches I’ve pastored have grown substantially beyond the national average. We have sterilized reproduction by not emphasizing the priesthood of every believer and transferring ownership of the ministry to the laity.

Missional Emphasis
Getting involved in missional ministry is not an option; it is tied to the commands of Jesus. Our nation has changed and continues to do so. As a result of constant change, the church must begin to see the value of being missional and effectively reach the people around them. When our church becomes a missionary in our community, we will not focus on strategies and formulas that have worked among people who live in other areas. Instead, we find strategies that help us connect with people in our context. We need values and purposes that are transcultural and eternal and as we discover these values and purposes and apply new methods to connect with the people in our context, God will give increase as His Kingdom is expanded. This is easier said than done. Understanding the people who live around us will help us to develop the kind of church we need to become to reach them.

Multi-Campus Congregation
God has gifted me with an “apostolic anointing” which is expressed through my desire to establish multiple ministry campuses as God opens the door. The success of multi-campus ministry is accomplished through teaming with gifted, driven leaders who understand my vision to expand the kingdom and not just a single local church. Each campus will be led by a campus pastor who embraces my vision and becomes an extension of it to that targeted area.

Spiritual Gifts
The formula for successful ministry is DISCOVER + USE = DEVELOPMENT. My vision is for every believer to have a biblical understanding of their God-given gifts and for our church body to identify it’s gift-mix. My dream is for every spiritual gift to be operating in the church so that the Body will be edified. Divine order is a prerequisite for the edification of the Body by the use of spiritual gifts. I will keep order while inviting the Holy Spirit to operate spontaneously to edify.

Ministry Teams
Once the members recognize their gifts and callings, I desire for them to be released to minister. My burden is for ministry teams to be developed in the areas of evangelism, healing, helps, drama, and visitation. God wants the laity to have the liberty to use their spiritual gifts. I am not insecure nor intimidated when others move into ministry. In fact, it is a blessing to see the laity effectively minister to each other. The ministry teams should be discipled and trained in their respective areas of service and dispatched into the church and the world.
Acts 6:1-4 In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Grecian Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food. So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, "It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables. Brothers, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word." (NIV)

Fellowship and Connect Groups
My vision is to host numerous small fellowship groups around the city for the purpose of assimilation, fellowship, friendship, evangelism, and Bible Study. Each group leader would be trained by the Pastor and/or elders to equip them to lead a productive group in homes. No more than 20 people would be permitted to attend any group and each group would deal with a particular subject for one year. When a group reaches 20, the group divides and a new fellowship group is started under another lead couple. Connect Groups will evolve from people who share similar interests in areas of recreation, hobbies, athletics, etc. Some groups will meet weekly while others will meet monthly.

Acts 5:42 Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ. (NIV)

Family Care Ministry
As a church grows larger, it becomes necessary to become smaller. Let me explain: As a church grows, it’s necessary to develop a program to facilitate pastoral care, assimilation, personal touch and follow up so that no person or family “slips through the cracks.” I envision having several full-time pastoral staff whose job description will include spending approximately 20 hours weekly overseeing a “downline” consisting of up to 150 people. Each Family Care Pastor would have five Equippers serving directly under them; each Equipper would oversee five Encouragers and each Encourager would care for five families. This system will diminish attrition, relieve the Senior Pastor from personally caring for every family in the church, provide personal touch and care to every family and assimilate newcomers into a small group for fellowship and accountability. As a result, no one will ever be overlooked or unnoticed on a weekly basis. Each leader in this ministry will be required to give between 30 minutes and one hour of their time weekly to “care” for others.

Family Night Fellowship
To promote family togetherness and to show support to the family unit, my vision is to have one Sunday evening monthly set aside to enhance family relationships by bringing both churched and unchurched families together for interaction, recreation, entertainment, and fellowship in the Family Life Center. I have a burden for the church to take the initiative to promote the well-being and institution of the family by sacrificing traditional worship time for building up the home.

Men’s Ministry
I have an overwhelming burden to disciple young men. Men are the key to church growth. They are the key to the family. Our churches are suffering for lack of male leadership. Our church needs to place extreme emphasis on developing godly men and meet together weekly to train, disciple and support men. My vision is to reproduce myself in a minimum of twelve young men annually and then require those twelve to commit to discipling twelve others for a year. Men need godly mentors and intimate Christian friends.

Church Mission Trip
I envision scores of men, women and young people engaging in a life-changing experience by availing themselves annually for a foreign mission trip. An overseas trip will radically change one’s spirituality, focus, and concept of the universal church. Every member needs to broaden their scope of evangelism by participating in a mission trip. Prejudices will diminish, vision will expand, and love will conquer any barrier when one enters another culture. Diversity will be appreciated as believers experience first hand the beauty of Christ’s Body.
Matt 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, (NIV)
Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. (NIV)

Growing Congregation
My life’s vision in ministry is to pastor a large and growing, multi-ethnic, multi-generational congregation. I sincerely believe God has called me to this task. My vision is to minister weekly to a crowd which reaches full capacity of the facility. I am exhilarated as a mass of people gather for corporate worship. I am encouraged and somewhat motivated by numbers. I believe numbers are important, not to boost my ego, but every number represents growth and an opportunity to add to the Kingdom of God. I believe a large and growing church has greater resources to further the Gospel than a small church and I desire to pastor a vibrant, pace-setting church that never ceases to grow numerically, spiritually, and financially.

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Relocation/Expansion in God’s Will
I believe it will take 50 acres to accommodate my vision. God will make provisions for future expansion. The expansion will be realized in phases. The first phase will consist of a 1,500 plus-seat auditorium, a youth ministry center, children’s ministry center, music ministry center, daycare center, office suite complex, gymnasium, game room and a future health club. Future phases will consist of:
  • Octagon-shaped, 3,000+ seat sanctuary with bright colors and natural lighting entered into by a large mall corridor with benches, fountains, greenery, seasonal decorations, media center, stores, boutiques, LED boards, information/welcome center, and covered by a glass dome. 
  • Spiritual Life Center which includes a library of books, cds and dvds; Christian bookstore; prayer rooms; conference room; counseling/reading rooms; TV/audio rooms for personal devotion.
  • Family Life Center with a full-court gym, indoor work-out/fitness area; bowling alley/video game room; swimming pool and hot tub; large stage area for performances; storage and a commercial kitchen.
  • Daycare Facility detached from church building. A contemporary facility to accommodate 200+ infants and children.
  • Senior Retirement Center with 60 retirement living units, 80 assisted-living senior apartments and a 100-bed skilled care nursing center. This facility would also have an indoor fitness center and large atrium dining hall overlooking a water fountain. This facility would be partially built by life-estate donors within the congregation and partially by H.U.D. Housing government resources and federal and/or state grants.
  • Funeral Home owned and operated by the church to offer professional and spiritual services to families in need at the time of loss. I will employ retired ministers as well as professionals to facilitate this ministry which will also provide financial resources for ministry expansion.
  • Picnic Pavilion which will accommodate 300+ people. A gas BBQ pit, fireplace, rest rooms, and a kitchenette would equip this facility to be used for church picnics, outings and family reunions.
  • Multi-level Office Complex to accommodate multiple staff and have private access to pastor’s office to eliminate drop-ins and unscheduled appointments.
  • Outdoor Athletics including ball fields, basketball and tennis courts and a paved fitness track for members to enhance physical fitness. The track will have interchangeable, lighted panels for members to memorize the Word as they walk or jog.
  • Maintenance Garage for vehicle storage/repair and for lawn equipment to be secured and out of sight.

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Full-time Staff
My vision is for a multi-ethnic staff consisting of several pastors: Assistant Pastor, Executive Pastor, Pastor of Finance/Administration, Minister of Worship/Music, Student Ministries Pastor, Associate Youth Pastor, Children’s Pastor, Singles/Young Adult Pastor, Facilities Director, Senior Adult Pastor, Pastoral Chaplain, Counselor, Missional Outreach Pastor, and a Spanish Pastor. Each staff member to be a self-starter, experienced, productive and a visionary. Also, for each pastor to be my God-called and personal armor bearer.

Mobilized Laity
My vision is to have at least 50% of the laity involved in ministry. I sincerely believe the next phase of church growth will be initiated by lay people.

My vision is to have functioning, New Testament elders and deacons operating effectively and overseeing the work of ministry. My goal is to ordain both men and women to serve in these capacities and not to just use only men. Women have a vital, productive role to fill in church leadership. My goal is to ordain twelve new elders and deacons annually and to require each eligible man or woman to undergo ten intensive weeks of training before being eligible for ordination.

My dream is for more young lifers to assume leadership roles within the church. Utilizing the present generation to reach their generation is the key to church growth. My ultimate desire is for every leader to be unswervingly dedicated to their task and committed to their responsibilities—completely sold out to God, the family and the vision of the church. Each leader should be an example in character, prayer, church attendance, stewardship and spirituality.

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My vision is for the church to use every viable means and method to minister to every generation within the church. To maintain a balance in Spirit and Truth by preaching an uncompromised message and staying sensitive to the flow and direction of the Holy Spirit. To be accepting of change as initiated by the Pastor and to embrace creative thinking rather than resist new ideas. I desire to maintain historical roots and be grateful for past accomplishments but not to allow the past to dictate the future.

The church is a family. Our need is for relationships to develop beyond the corporate worship setting and to really become friends with our brothers and sisters in Christ. We need to promote extra-curricular fellowship through the week. Many people have either been ostracized from their biological families because of their faith or because of relocation. The church should supply the need for family attachment.

My vision includes all races, creeds, religions and social/economical statuses. The church God calls me to pastor will not be prejudiced against anyone for any reason and will include and receive all people. Diversity will be promoted and accepted and strategically implemented by the leadership team.

The church I pastor will be the friendliest congregation in the city. I will emphasize warmth, care, love, compassion and friendship. My philosophy is: “If I will be your friend, you’ll allow me to be your pastor.” No person should ever leave our church without a kind word, an embrace and a hand shake!

I thrive on new challenges. I am a risk-taker. I am never satisfied with mediocrity or the status quo. I am a pace-setter and will not allow the church to settle down or live in a rut. We can’t please God without exercising faith and that means taking some risks --- being adventurous. I am never satisfied at any level of growth or spiritual plane. A church is either moving forward, standing still, or slipping backward. To keep moving forward demands change, new challenges and doing things differently sometimes. Our programs should attract other’s interest rather than our attention only focusing on other church’s programming.

A gift God has given me is enthusiasm. I am an exciting and excitable person. I want the church to take on the characteristic of its pastor. Excitement generates growth --- it breeds curiosity. People will attend our church if we make them curious enough.
Rom 12:11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.

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Debt is bondage and one way the enemy uses to stymie the growth of God’s Kingdom. The church must be financially structured, accountable and work toward being debt-free. His resources are limitless therefore, in time, we will see His provision.

My vision is to give a combined total of $150,000.00 annually to missions, including World Missions, Home Missions, orphanages, church plants, and other local benevolent projects. A mission-minded and missional church will never lack or be in shortage.

I will promote personal stewardship through preaching, teaching, testimony, and personal example and lead families/individuals into God’s favor, blessing and increase through sound, biblical teaching. My vision is to enlist every family as tithers; to break 6 new tithe records annually; offer financial counseling; assist families in getting out of debt; help people better themselves with new jobs and financial planning.

My vision is to provide for every needy family affiliated with our church and to expand our benevolence to members of the community by operating a missional outreach center full-time for the distribution of food and clothing; to offer dental and medical services by qualified personnel to families without insurance coverage and to offer free financial counseling for those in crisis. I desire to always have financial resources readily available for any emergency need. All benevolent distribution to be overseen by a Benevolence Board consisting of people who have a gift of mercy.

Income Streams
A new challenge facing the 21st century church is to create income streams into the ministry to fund the vision besides the regular tithes, first fruits and offerings. Creative streams of income can include a daycare/preschool, Christian bookstore, café’ or snack bar, a church-owned funeral home, investment real estate acquisition/liquidation, a retirement living center, professional media production, etc. We must be business-wise and creative to generate revenue for ministry.

My goal is to maintain an annual church operating budget and to operate within those guidelines. I will be accountable to every contributor and disclose financial information to the entire church body. I will host a quarterly financial conference for the congregation to promote accountability. I will hire an outside accounting firm to prepare an audit annually for accountability purposes.

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My vision is to produce a weekly program edited from our Sunday morning worship service and to be aired on Christian and eventually secular television stations. I will enlist members and businesses to fund this outreach and I will never ask for money during the broadcast.

I have hosted a daily radio program for over seven years and God has greatly used this vehicle to increase the churches I’ve pastored. My desire is to begin a daily, 15-minute program on a contemporary, Christian FM radio station and expand to other secular radio stations to expose our ministry to unchurched people. Finances for this project will be raised by church business owners and monthly contributors.

In this society, billboard advertising appeals to passersby. The church must utilize billboards in strategic locations to promote the church’s presence in the community.

The church must use a professionally designed and maintained website to promote the church’s activities, weekly calendar, ministries, resources, networking, to introduce pastoral staff and offer opportunities for online interaction for all ages. The website should be updated daily and be “user-friendly.”

Web Casting/Pod Casting
Generation X (born 2002 and later) is highly technical and electronic and this means of communicating the Gospel is practical and relevant. The church needs to employ a full-time Media Director with the ability to webcast and podcast and live stream the weekly message to reach this generation.

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My covenant with the church.

When we talk about fulfilling the vision, we are not talking about business as usual. We must seize the opportunity to take some risks for the future. Each of us must be prepared to do whatever is necessary to position our church in the place where we can be most effectively used for God’s glory.

  • I want to covenant the following with you:
  • To be driven by the hope of an inward vision of what God wants for us rather than being influenced by what appears to be popular.
  • To do everything within my power to lead the church in spiritual renewal.
  • To speak the truth and hear the truth.
  • To assure that all programs and promotions are based on scriptural principles.
  • To project a vision that moves us outside the walls of our local church.
  • To recognize and celebrate diversity within the body and to see that everyone is equally valued, regardless of nationality, color or gender.
  • To emphasize conversion growth rather than transfer growth.
  • To make leadership decisions based on those who are most affected by the decisions.
  • To provide a sense of belonging to every person.
  • To make a choice for greatness rather than maintenance.
  • To stand shoulder-to-shoulder with everyone in ministry.

God is giving us the opportunity to be on the cutting edge of a progressive and far-reaching international ministry. As your pastor I am responsible for helping to keep us focused on the target. My prayer is that God will continue to lead us to become everything that He has in mind for us to become.

Download Pastor Rod Trusty's Vision