Peter and Debbie Thomas

Peter A. Thomas has served as C.E. - Coordinator for the Church of God in Africa, West, and Central and Eastern Africa for 22 years and in addition as the Regional Superintendent for Central Africa. A native of Germany, he experienced Christ as his Savior at the age of 19 and received a call to Ministry and Missions while attending EBS in Rudersberg. Since 1979 Peter and his wife, Debbie are Church of God Missionaries in Africa. They arrived in Ghana, West Africa in April 1979 teaching at Ghana Bible Institute and pastoring the City Church in Kumasi. In 1986, after studies at Church of God Seminary in Cleveland, TN, he and his family moved to Zimbabwe, where he was appointed to serve as C.E. – Coordinator for Africa. In 1995, the family moved to Nairobi, Kenya and stayed until 1997. He served as the C.E. – Coordinator up to his current appointment. In 2008 Peter was appointed as the Field Director for Africa; East, Central, Southern and Western Africa.
Debbie Thomas: After having been trained as a SR – Nurse and a SR - Midwife Debbie Thomas attended the European Bible Seminary in Rudersberg, Germany. Born to Church of God pastors she gave her life to Christ at a young age and was called into missions at the age of 10 yrs. Since 1979 Debbie alongside with her husband, Peter Thomas are Church of God Missionaries in Africa. In April 1979, they arrived in Ghana, West Africa. During the time in Ghana Debbie was in charge of the Church of God Clinic in Essiempong. After her husband had completed studies in the US, the family moved to Zimbabwe in 1986, where Debbie was involved in a Mobile Clinic Outreach. At the same time, she was serving in the National Women’s Council of the church, organizing, and speaking at National Women’s Conferences and seminars. In 1995, the family had to relocate to Nairobi, Kenya and stayed there until 1997. Since the appointment of her husband as the Field Director of Africa in 2008, Debbie serves as the Church of God Women’s Discipleship Ministry Chairlady for Africa.