This form is to be filled out AFTER your promotion request has been approved by the Communications Team.
If you have not submitted your promotions request, go to - Once this is received, next steps to securing a Connection Central Ministry Table will be emailed to you. 

Application & Guidelines

All forms should be submitted TWO WEEKS before the table is needed. All promotions requiring tables will be limited to Connection Central only.

Visual Promotion and items:
• Black table cloth ONLY (provided by the facilities team)
• Two chairs
• Promotion cards/flyers (approved by Communications Team)
• Letter-size signage of any kind (approved by Communications Team)
• Signup materials or electronic device
• Small décor (under 14 inches and limited to 3 items) on the table representing your ministry or event

Prohibited Items: I understand the following items are prohibited from being used in Connection Central:
• Banners of any kind
• Photo walls
• Backdrops
• Décor around the table & floor
• Décor & signage on the walls and/or ceiling.
• Displays/Shelving of any kind